Joel in his office at Joadah Tadpole Arena Entebbe


The Aita family with wife Adah Jane and children Hannah, Johanna, Ben Baruch and Netanya.


Joel Aita and Her Excellency Jewel Taylor, the Vice President of Liberia paying a courtesy call to His Excellency Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda at The State House, Entebbe.


Joel Aita guiding His Excellency Yoweri Museveni on a tour of one of the projects completed by Joadah Consult Consult


Joel explaining the designs of the Specialized Mulago Hospital to HE Yoweri Museveni


Joel with Pastor Julius of Watoto Church Kampala during a Power Sex Money episode.


Joel and Noor in Dubai for a business meeting


Joel with celebrity architect Bakry Hussein in Dubai for an infrastructure design meeting.


Business Discussions in Turkey


Joel during the signing of an MOU between Arua Hill Sports Club with Turkish AKSK Football Club



My new book is called Jaffer’s Decade, An Entrepreneur’s Mind


My background, career and

Work & Experience

My experiences in consultancy, businesses and projects.